Any questions?

Below we have collected answers to the most popular questions among job applicants and potential partners

What technology stack is used in the Company?

Synesis tends to use a unified technology stack: C++, Java, Python, PHP, Swift, Objective C, MySQL, Angular, GO, Kotlin, React, Next.js, Redux, Metal, Opencl, Tensorflow; библиотеки: Leaflet, Moment; технологии сборки: Gulp, Karma, Jasmine, Webpack, Post-CSS, Typescript; фреймворки Django, Сherrypy, Aiohttp, Spring; Сервисы: Apache, Nginx, Redis, PostgreSQL, OpenStreetMap, Kubernetes, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Repository, MAAS, Docker, Cassandra, Ceph, Apache Kafka, Apache ZooKeeper, Apache Ignite, Syslog, IMPI, Procstat, InfluxDB, Elasticsearch, Kapacitor, Grafana, Kibana, Zabbix; машинное зрение: OpenCV, Tensorflow, фреймворк CoreML; макеты, mockups: Zeplin, Figma.